Monday, September 04, 2006

"It's Been One Week..."

One week. One week of my college carrier is complete. So you may ask how Temple University is treating me. Very well actually. I am rooming with three other guys from my high school, Jeff, Neil, and Jay. They're fun and I have no complaints. Being in their presence does force me to search out other company for warrant of meeting new people. Classes are good, I tested out of freshman English and was placed in the hardest course Temple offers, Intellectual Heritage. This semester in IH I have to read many works from the BC time periods. I do not find these particularly interesting but I will forge ahead. I started a new book, Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five. Its great as is all Vonnegut. His work has had such a profound effect on me that I can not put it into words. He is everything I wish to be in a writer. My novel, be composed as I write this, takes great inspiration from Vonnegut's style. I can tell you it is called Rube Goldberg and that it revolves around two parallel stories from different centuries, anything else would spoil the surprise. No one knows if it is pointless or not for me to write a novel. I look at it as preparation. If I ever have the opportunity to meet a publisher, which is something I would like to create for myself that said opportunity, I will have a piece of work very dear to me and hopefully good.
Besides taking courses and writing this week in college I have been keeping in touch with my friends at other schools. On Friday I visited my friend Colin at Villanova. He has been my friend since preschool and I know he will be one to carry over into my adult life. My other good friend from home, Derek, moved into his school, Rutgers, on Saturday. I am a little worried about him, he is big into parties. I just hope he stays safe and stays in school. My other half, Mike, moves into Ramapo this week. I like to think of him as the other half of my brain. We are very similar yet different enough. We have been brain storming ideas for a film and I think we have come up with something. More on that when details smooth out.
Reading this post over I find that this blog has become somewhat my own personal records of my creativity. Writing down my exploits as well as creating works will be an interesting task.
One of the best things about TU is that there are so many resources at my hand I can use them for both educational and recreational means. This is the start of something huge and I couldn't be happier.